Tag: half-hearted

You Can’t Be a Half-Hearted Ally

Bottom Line: You can’t be a half-hearted ally. There is no middle ground. You either have all your skin in the game, or you don’t. This doesn’t mean that you can’t or won’t make mistakes. What it means is that you can’t hold on to your privilege and your ally card too. You can only choose one. Because when you try to hold onto both, damage is done, trust is betrayed, and people are hurt. I have seen this multiple times in both my professional and personal life in recent months and I am begging you to step up and make a change. “You can’t hold on to your privilege and your ally card too.” We need allies. We need you. We are asking you lay down your pride, use your privilege to elevate the voices of the marginalized, and have integrity to stand by what you say–mean it with all of your heart–and then walk it out on this journey alongside us towards a more just, equal, and safe place for us all to live.

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