“As a hospital chaplain working primarily within our secure adult psychiatric units, I often encounter LGBTQ+ persons who have suffered deep spiritual wounds from their families and faith communities. Usually, I meet them in the aftermath of a suicide attempt. I have found Amber’s books to be sources of deep healing and affirmation-especially in sorting out voices of rejection and shame from God’s own expansive, utterly inclusive and loving embrace.”
– Chaplain Tami Terpstra, MDiv, Colorado
“As a young adult who identifies as gay and who was raised in the conservative Christian church, I’ve gained so much insight and peace through finding Amber Cantorna’s work. Many have tried to convince me that I have to choose between God and accepting myself as a gay woman. Amber has been a fervent voice in my life pleading against this, insisting that my love for God, self, and others can coexist. Thank you, Amber, for speaking boldly and for bravely sharing your story in ‘Refocusing My Family.’ Your honesty and sincerity have helped propel me forward in this healing journey.”
-Hannah, Southern California
“Amber lives her message. That message includes truth and love. Amber’s work is an excellent resource for all affirming families, but especially for young people who are navigating the process of sharing their story.”
–Dr. Cheryl Groves, Texas
“I so appreciate Amber’s honesty, her ongoing faith journey, and her willingness to support LGBTQ families. I am a supportive mother of a wonderful gay son and Amber has given me strength.“
-Gill, New Zealand
“As a pastor, I find Amber’s story life-giving for the LGBTQ people in my congregation. Her ability to communicate difficult ideas and powerful truths clearly, make her a unique voice today. ”
-Pastor Aaron Van Voorhis, Central Avenue Church, California
“Amber’s books, ‘Unashamed’ and ‘Refocusing My Family’ were the best books I bought last year. They helped me realize that I should not be ashamed or scared of how God made me, and that I can hold my head up high and be proud to be an LGBTQ Christian. I have recommended her books numerous times because it’s helped me so much.”
-Jessie, Washington State
“When I think of Amber’s input into my life and the valuable resources she has created, I am immensely thankful. I draw strength and wisdom from Amber’s journey, especially the fact that she has chosen to stay true to herself and is helping people like me to do the same, even when it’s difficult. Your value is immeasurable Amber. I’m so grateful for you.”
-Sam, South Africa
“Amber’s courage, despite the adversity and pain she has experienced in her own journey to live into her truth, has inspired me to not only embrace my own identity as a queer transgender Christian woman, but to share my own faith and story in hopes that it reduces the suffering that tends to be synonymous within the lives of LGBTQ+ Christians.”
-Elle, California
“Amber is an accomplished speaker who doesn’t hesitate to allow herself to be vulnerable in front of an audience. By sharing her own imperfect life in such an honest way, she wins empathy and respect while encouraging listeners to be less judgmental and more tolerant. Amber’s acceptance of her own frail humanity makes all of us feel more accepting of ourselves and others–she’s inspirational.”
-Gloria Lesher, M.A., Writer/Editor
“Amber’s book ‘Unashamed’ released about six months after my oldest child came out. Reading it helped me not only understand what they were going though, but also how I could best support them. I then went on to read Amber’s first book, ‘Refocusing My Family’ and I fell in love with her story. But it was her resilience that was most inspiring to me as the mother of an LGBTQ+ child that had experienced the heartbreak of being rejected by the church.”
-Jennifer, LGBTQ+ Activist/Mama Bear
“I was also raised in southern Colorado, so reading Amber’s books helped me to process the deep impact that being rejected by my family and church has had on my life. Thank you Amber, for your courage and for sharing your story.”
-Deidre, Colorado
“Amber Cantorna has been a safe haven and saving grace throughout my process of self-acceptance, doubt, questioning, and keeping my faith in tact. Her story has been such an inspiration and I am so grateful to have discovered her and her work. She is passionate about her mission and that shows through all that she does. Through this journey Amber has been a source of encouragement and support and I sincerely hope that others who are questioning whether they can live a genuine, whole, authentic life as both gay and Christian will find Amber and her resources as helpful as I have.”
-Morgan, Age 29
“Amber is the first speaker I’ve heard to successfully present the challenge and resolve of conflict between LGBT, family, and religion. She is a seasoned presenter and talented at crafting an essential message of hope with a level of honesty that the audience craves. I would highly recommend Amber for any speaking event in which her topic would be of benefit to the audience.”
-Marty, Colorado
“Amber Cantorna has walked with me as I struggle to process different aspects of life including coming out/sexuality, working through loss, and confronting questions regarding faith and the church. Having been raised in a similar legalistic Christian background, Amber’s openness in sharing her own experiences and willingness to provide an honest yet understanding perspective is something that I deeply value and appreciate. Our connection through her mentoring role continues to impact my life as I navigate the world as a young LGBTQ woman of faith.”
-Brittany, West Virginia
“When I first discovered Amber Cantorna’s ministry, her story was so similar to mine that I was captivated by it. Suddenly, I didn’t feel alone in the war between my faith and my sexuality. I was able to find so much peace knowing that there were other people like me who were dealing with the same issues and feelings. Amber has inspired and breathed life into me, giving me the courage to keep walking. Transitioning from a highly conservative, evangelical background to coming out publicly as both gay and transgender is not easy. But Amber has always seen the person that I am beyond the labels that society gives me. It’s really changed the way that I think about myself. Seeing the way that Amber gives back to the LGBTQ community and hearing her story has helped me to realize my own purpose and ability to move beyond the pain.”
-Jordan, Age 30