2019 Events:
03.28.19 – THE UNASHAMED TOUR: An Evening with Amber Cantorna, Denver, CO (Buy tickets)
4.04.19 – THE UNASHAMED TOUR: An Evening with Amber Cantorna, Los Alamitos, CA (Thanks to our host, Community Congregational UCC, this event is free. However you can register and pre-order your autographed copies of “Unashamed” and “Refocusing My Family” HERE!)
04.19.19 – Inside Out Youth Services, Colorado Springs, CO: Amber Cantorna will be spending time sharing her story with LGBTQIA youth, ages 13-22.
04.28.19 – The Refuge, Broomfield, CO: Amber Cantorna will be speaking at The Refuge for their weekly dinner at 5:00pm.
05.02.19 – THE UNASHAMED TOUR: An Evening with Amber Cantorna, Dallas, TX (Buy tickets)
05.18.19 – THE UNASHAMED TOUR: An Evening with Amber Cantorna, Phoenix, AZ (Buy tickets)
06.27.19 – THE UNASHAMED TOUR: An Evening with Amber Cantorna, San Francisco, CA (Thanks to our host, City Church, this event is free and open to the public! RSVP HERE!)
06.29.19 – UNASHAMED: A COMING OUT WORKSHOP FOR LGBTQ CHRISTIANS, San Francisco, CA (Thanks to our host, City Church, this event is free. However we ask that you still RSVP HERE!)
07.28.19 – THE UNASHAMED TOUR: An Evening with Amber Cantorna, Colorado Springs, CO (Buy tickets)
09.08.19 – THE UNASHAMED TOUR: An Evening with Amber Cantorna, Oklahoma City, OK (Buy tickets)
09.20.19 – THE UNASHAMED TOUR: An Evening with Amber Cantorna, Miami, FL (Check back…more details coming soon!)
10.21.19-10.22.19 – Missouri State University, Springfield, MO (Check back…more details coming soon!)
If you would like to host one of these events or schedule Amber to speak at one of your events, please go to the Contact page and submit a request!
If you believe in my work, please consider supporting me through Patreon. Your financial gift will enable me to continue the work I do and spread a message of hope and love to LGBTQ people and their families both across the nation and around the world!
If you would like to book me for an upcoming event, please go to the Contact page and submit a request. I look forward to hearing from you!
“Amber is an accomplished speaker who doesn’t hesitate to allow herself to be vulnerable in front of an audience. By sharing her own imperfect life in such an honest way, she wins empathy and respect while encouraging listeners to be less judgmental and more tolerant. Amber’s acceptance of her own frail humanity makes all of us feel more accepting of ourselves and others–she’s inspirational.”
-Gloria Lesher, M.A.
“Amber Cantorna has been a safe haven and saving grace throughout my process of self-acceptance, doubt, questioning, and keeping my faith in tact. Her story has been such an inspiration and I am so grateful to have discovered her and her work. She is so passionate about her mission and that shows through all that she does. Through this journey Amber has been a source of encouragement and support and I sincerely hope that others who are questioning whether they can live a genuine, whole, authentic life as both gay and Christian will find Amber’s and her resources as helpful as I have.” -Morgan, Age 29
“Amber is the first speaker I’ve heard to successfully present the challenge and resolve of conflict between LGBT, family, and religion. Amber is a seasoned presenter and talented speech architect who uses every crafted sentence and gesture to channel her emotion into a essential message of hope that the audience craves and honesty that makes her words genuine. I would highly recommend Amber for any speaking event in which her topic would be of benefit to the audience.”
-Marty Dickenson
Web Marketer/Web Services Provider
“As a young adult who identifies as gay, and who was raised in the
conservative Christian church, I’ve gained so much insight and peace
through finding Amber Cantorna’s work. Many have tried to convince me that I have to choose between God and accepting myself as a gay woman. Amber has been a fervent voice in my life pleading against this, insisting that my love for God, self, and others can coexist. Thank you, Amber, for speaking boldly and bravely sharing your story in Refocusing My Family. Your honesty and sincerity have helped propel me forward in this healing journey.”
-Hannah, Age 23
“Amber is such an inspiration! I love hearing her speak because it comes from the heart and has such passion. She doesn’t just talk about herself, but actually gets to the point of how we can progress though our challenges with strength and tenacity! Love her and I can’t wait until her next speaking event!”
-Anastasia Button
Author, Speaker, Coach
“When I first discovered Amber Cantorna’s ministry, I was recovering from emergency surgery and was in a place where both my body and my heart were hurting. It had only been a few months since I started processing and dealing with some very old wounds from my past. As I read Amber’s story via her blog, her story was so similar to mine that I was captivated by it. I just knew that I had discovered it for a reason. Suddenly, I didn’t feel alone in the war between my faith and my sexuality. I was able to find so much peace knowing that there were other people like me who were dealing with the same issues and feelings.
People like Amber have inspired and breathed life into me giving me the courage to keep walking. Transitioning from a highly conservative evangelical background to coming out publicly as both gay and transgender is not easy. But Amber’s work has helped me see that I can move beyond what was into what is and what will be.
While communicating with Amber over the past several months, she’s always seen the person that I am beyond the labels that society gives me. It’s really changed the way that I think about myself and the way that I think about other people. Seeing the way that Amber gives back to the LGBTQ community and hearing her story has helped me to realize my own purpose beyond my pain and the beauty that lies beyond the mess. Because of Amber’s vulnerability, I’ve learned that every blemish, every flaw, every scar, and every open wound is nothing to be ashamed of or to be mourned. Rather, each of these things grant us the opportunity to access another person’s broken heart and give us the opportunity to restore faith, hope, and love in someone else’s life.”
-Jordan, Age 30
“Since finding Amber Cantorna’s work, Amber has walked with me as I struggle to process different aspects of life including coming out/sexuality, working through loss of various types of relationships, and questions regarding faith and the church. Having been raised myself in a similar legalistic Christian background, Amber’s openness with sharing her own experiences and willingness to provide an honest yet understanding perspective is something that I deeply value and appreciate. Our connection through her mentoring role continues to impact my life as I navigate the world as a young LGBTQ woman of faith.”
-Brittany, Age 22